Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Research summary


Section 1: Introduction
our track is Fever ray's song 'Traingle walks' remixed by Rex the Dog.we chose this song because it is different and ambiguous which allows us alot of room for imagination and interpretation. The band are signed to sweedish record label Rabid Records and although they are not very well known here their music is well admired over there and other parts of europe. They don't seem to completely conform to an genre style but we have decided to call them 'electronic' and 'ambient'.
. we intend to promote our artist to our target audience, young adults with open minds, by creating a visually interesting and music amplifying video. we will also make a digipak and website to distribute and advertise our artist and the track.
. we have been influenced greatly by karin (fever ray) herself and her other videos but also other artists like Royksopp and Robyn, who are also sweedish, and Yeasayer who write interesting electronic music and uses flamboyant visuals in their promotion.
We've also been influenced by fashion in our idea as we're going to use artistic plastic masks to add to our performance after seeing pictures of them used in magazines like Vice.
.we want our Video to be recognised as part of the Electronic genre but also have tried to make it more colourful and bright compared with Fever rays other videos which are for much deeper sounding tracks.

SECTION 2: Who is your artists specific target audience?
      We have decided to target our music video at young adults in their late teens and 20s. After researching the intended audience for current artists such as Robyn and Fever Ray who cater in electro pop music, we believe this age range will be most appropriate.
     The reason why we haven’t targeted teenagers and younger people is because stereotypically, they listen to more common music genres like pop, RnB, pop, rap and rock. In fact some younger people may not have even heard of or listened to ambient/electro pop music before and therefore will not appreciate this ‘different’ genre. To be honest, I didn’t at a younger age; it’s not until recently that I have been aware of what it’s about. People who tend to listen to this specific genre usually want to listen to different sounds and types of music. I would describe this particular music genre as dreamlike and reflective. The songs are mostly about the instrumentals rather than the lyrics itself. The first time I read the lyrics to ‘Triangle Walks’, I didn’t understand it and it was ambiguous. Electro-pop music makes you want to relax when you hear it and cast your mind and thoughts away.  People who listen to this music have open minds and like escapism.
     We are going to target both females and males with open minds. This type of genre is not like for example RnB, where the song lyrics are about the opposite sex so it’s aimed at one genre.  Electro pop music can touch upon the themes of growing up, war, dreaming; all of which everyone can relate to regardless of genre. In terms of sexuality, our music video is going to be intended for all sexualities. This music is about escapism and dreaming so it would be appropriate for the artist to be marketed to all sexual cultures e.g. straight, gay etc.  The subcultures that would usually listen to this type of music are usually quirky, experimental, non typical indie people and interpretive people. In terms of class, we would expect mostly working class people maybe middle class as well to listen to this music genre and kind of music.  In fever Ray’s videos, she is always ‘natural’ and bizarre; this is intended to appeal to her target audience. She also incorporates Swedish culture into her videos as she was born in Sweden. To appeal to our intended target audience we are going to make the main female character in our video look ‘free’, independent and easy going not caring what people think about her. The ideas we have come up with so far is climbing out of a bin (which is not seen as ‘normal’) and the ‘extras’ wearing animal costumes.
Section 3: What are the conventions of Form and Genre for your artist?

Fever Ray’s genre has been described as electronic, ambient and  experimental, they belong to Rabid Record Label and describe their music as like ‘dreaming, when you’re awake, but tired’.

. Videos don’t show instruments. All sound is produced electronically.
. They conform to their genre as they typically use flashy strobe lighting, eccentric costumes and performers feature in the video.
. Music videos contain variety of shots at a fast pace to keep the audience's interest. 2 second shots. 
. Fever Ray choose to use some long panning shots which add to the mood of their music. 3/4 seconds when establishing.
. what the video presents is often linked to the lyrics but in an ambiguous, curious sense which takes the audience on a journey through a strange dream.


Section 4. What content, Style and image would you expect in a music video by this artist?

. Content and Style: i would expect lots of close-ups of location and detail in costume, a conceptual narrative with synchronizing tone to the lyrics and atmosphere created by the music. perhaps some CGI or lighting effects to amplify the electronic impression the music gives. outlandish interestingly coloured costumes and face-paint which can either contrast or reflect the mise-en-scene. interesting camera work from various angles, including under water, blurring and flashing effects also added with editing.


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