Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday 21 October 2010

Forms/ Production Schedule

It is important that we gain the permission of our performers to be in the music video and that we confirm permission for our work to be used in the four ways stated above. We had no objections.

We have set the date for Wednesday 27th October 2010 to film our music video. Although the official deadline for our media planning folder isn't due in until 4th November, we feel the need to complete our planning folder before the official deadline so we can film over half term. We have chosen this date because it is hwen all our actors and our group is free. Thinking ahead, we believe it would be diffficult to film after half term because we all have different timetables therefore it would only leave the weekend to film. Even then people have commitments to jobs and college work so we figured out that if we film during half term, at least it's completed and it will leave us with five solid weeks to start editing.

                                                          Picture of shooting calendar

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