Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Thursday 21 October 2010

Kaiser Chiefs image and video concepts

We also looked at Kaiser Chiefs image in our lesson. There was a selection of images and we had to choose which was taken recently and one that was when they first started. From this exercise, we could see how image is important not only to appeal to the target audience but to make the record sell. We all preferred their latest image to previous ones.

Please click the above image to enlarge

We looked at two of their music videos. One of which was ‘Everyday I love you less and less’. From the song title, I presumed it would be a narrative music video. Turns out, it’s a bit of everything. It’s got conceptual elements; they do perform to some extent with ‘bones’ and the video has got a narrative to it. I wouldn’t voluntarily listen or watch any of Kaiser Chief’s music, but I thought the video was interesting and different. One of the killer hook in the song is ‘bones’ and I like how they’ve taken this word and made it a concept and a theme for the video. For the middle 8 of the song, the tone and feel of the music changes.  We notice this change when the weird rotating patterns appear in the video and in a way, the patterns are strangely hypnotising.

To view the video, you can click on the link below:

We also watched Never miss a beat also by the Kaiser chiefs. This again was an interesting video because it was basically about judging people-youth teens in particular. It’s made up of the assumption that adults stereotype young people in a negative way and young people living on estates hanging around in gangs. I like the idea of the gang wearing masks, it makes them unite as one rather than individuals clumped together. The video touches upon the issues of class, judging people and youth. They even have shots of news reporting about the events happening in the video. 
To watch the ‘Never miss a beat’ music video, please click the link below:

(Written by Ashleigh Bossman)

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