Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Tuesday 16 November 2010



During todays lesson dean created a basic background which we felt would suit our pages themes and content quite well. The use of the strobe orbs continue the theme of bright lights and conceptualism. 

This is the next stage of our website design. During this lesson we added some photoshopped pictures of the artist, modified the background, and inserted some boxes which contained links to other pages of the site. There is also some logos which have been added in the bottom corner.

TodayAlice and  Dean worked on the website.
Dean has been editing 3 photos on Photoshop which we took whilst filming, these photos are of Harriet's (our performer's) face and he has manipulated them to make them more interesting and fit the general theme of our video.

To create the effects that we wanted on our pictures, we had to use techniques on photoshop that we weren't completely familiar with, but we soon managed to get the hang of it. For the first picture we copied the same image onto another layer, flipped it horizontally to get the image of them looking at each other and then finally added the blue laser effect. 

The second image was inspired by one which we found online. We weren't able to use this due to copyright issues, so we just created the effect by drawing on a picture of our actors face with a dark brush, and then changing to a black and white image to help it blend in.

For the final picture, we created the strobe light lines by adding an outer glow to thin solid blocks of the green colour. Then we duplicated the layer 4 times and arranged them to appear to be coming from the eye of the subject.

Tuesday the 20th

Today alice and dean worked on the website changing the colour of text and font.
We originally wanted white writing on our web page to contrast with the black background and compliment the colourful pictures. we found however that as the image behind the text was quite light, coloured writing worked better. we changed the text in the main column from yellow to blue which was easier to read yet kept yellow and white for the side boxes just to make the whole page a bit more visually interesting.
. Today we also changed the order of the photos down the ride hand side to compliment the picture for the track in the top left hand corner.  

This is our final design for the website page. We all agree it reflects our electro and experimental genre but also the themes within our video of the animalistic black and white contrasting with the bright, conceptual human colour. 

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