Research and Planning/Hand in Folder: November 4th

Finished Music Video: December 16th

Finished Website/CD Cover/Evaluation/Blog:13th January

Friday 7 January 2011

Online distribution to audience

We have created a YouTube account to distribute our media project online. We hope to gather audience feed back from doing this as we are waiting on comments from people who might watch our video.

YouTube is a world wide site that will allow a variety of people to view our project.
 They will be able to...

. Comment - say their personal reaction and talk to other people leaving comments 
. Rate our video - decide how many stars it deserves
. Like or Dislike the video
. Subscribe to our account - to receive news of any new videos we might post
. Respond with a video
. Add video to Favorites or Playlist
. Share - share the video with others
. View hits - see how many people have watched the video
. View video statistics

alice whitehouse

7th January 2011 by ashleigh

Today, I posted the video on facebook so I could get feedback on the video. I asked a few people to comment on the video - what they think is good, what could be improved and the overall feel of the video. Below are the responses I have got so far.

Dante's feedback was that it looks very starnge and surreal which is what we originally intended the video to be. We wanted a conceptual feel to the video. I asked Yvonne to come into the mac suite andd view it. last lesson we added and changed a few things so i just wanted an update feedback to see if the video has improved. She thought so. I asked my friend vanessa wo has already made a music video for her Btec media studies course about what she thought of the video, and she replied back with positove comments but she mentioned that she was confused at first. I asked her if there was anything else we could do to make it less confusing and she said that there isn't much we can do. Aarinola's feeback was very evaluative - with good, bad and improvement points. From the feeback, we are going to go over the footage and see if we can add any more effects and make sure its structured so the narrative is clear. We will only do little changes though as the bulk of the video has been edited.

This is the music video on YouTube at 10th January. No comments or ratings, though I have had comments from Facebook.

I also asked for JULIE's feedback.

Her feedback was overall positive. in terms of improvements, she did mention that the cut off lip syncing could have been sharper. When i asked, Julie said she kind of got thedrift of the stroyline. my impression is that it is notvery clesar but the audience can follow, understand parts, and havedifferent interpretations. conceptual videos are understood and appreciated by open minded people - i think also because there isso much going on it is hard to relise what is going on because theaudience may be immediatly drawn to the colourful special effects and not necessarily the storyline. alsoapart from this she said that we:

Had good attention to detail
Variety of interesting shots
She found the animal scenes homourous- it was different
Smooth transitions from the woods to the garage scenes to the woods again
The mise-en-scene was very good - very colourful and very nice costumes and make up
well planned and structured -well directed and edited